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Lorry Loader NVQ's

Lorry Loader 


- Preparing and Operating Lorry Loaders or Knuckle Booms to Lift and Transfer Loads in the Workplace (Lorry Loader Clamshell Bucket)


- Preparing and Operating Lorry Loaders or Knuckle Booms to Lift and Transfer Loads in the Workplace (Lorry Loader Hook)


- Preparing and Operating Lorry Loaders or Knuckle Booms to Lift and Transfer Loads in the Workplace (Lorry Loader Hydraulic Clamp)


- Preparing and Operating Lorry Loaders or Knuckle Booms to Lift and Transfer Loads in the Workplace (Knuckle Boom)​​​​​​​​​​

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If you would like to get in touch, book your NVQ or have any questions, please contact us 

Red to Blue Assessments Ltd

Centre Number 3027511



VAT Number: 452 9827 60

Contact us to find out more:​​​


Red to Blue Assessments Ltd is a registered company. Company Registration Number 13791592

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